Aya (10) and Lavie (7), two brothers who are hiding in a dark closet for a whole day, without food or water, while their parents lie dead on the floor of the hallway and outside hell is still raging. In an attempt to avoid the terrifying reality, the two are looking for points of light that will keep them alive in the terrible situation and glide into the world of imagination.
Script and Production: Shiran Buchnik, Noam Karmeli | Editing, Photography and Colorist: Adi Gabay | Actors: Liran Bultanski, Daniel Vazana | Music: Yoni Gvura | Sound Editor: Gabriel Cohen Etgar.
Fiction | 2:40 minutes | Israel | 2024 | Hebrew
Festivals and Awards 💐
Jerusalem Women’s Film Festival, Israel, 2024
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